Bilbolbul (Eggless Cake)
Ingredients: flour - 200 g powdered sugar (I used granulated) - 250 g bitter cocoa - 100 g grated peel from one orange a pinch of cinnamon to taste (if you want, I forgot to add it) baking soda - 4 g and cream of tartar 4 g (I replaced both with a packet of baking powder) milk 250 g (I used 400 ml) * butter and breadcrumbs for greasing the pan (I used baking paper)
To create a delicious and aromatic cake, start by gathering all the necessary ingredients. It is essential to have flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, orange zest, and cinnamon on hand. These dry ingredients are the foundation from which the entire recipe will develop. In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients well using a spatula or a wooden spoon. Make sure to combine them evenly to avoid lumps, especially when it comes to cocoa, which tends to clump together. It is recommended to sift the cocoa before adding it to achieve a fine and homogeneous texture.
After mixing the dry ingredients, slowly add the milk while constantly stirring. The milk should be at room temperature to incorporate more easily and provide a homogeneous mixture. Continue to mix until you achieve a fluid and consistent composition, free of lumps.
Meanwhile, prepare the baking pan. It is important to line it with parchment paper or grease it with butter and sprinkle it with flour so that the cake does not stick. A pan with a hole in the middle is a wise choice, as it helps with even baking and reduces the risk of being raw in the center. After pouring the mixture into the pan, make sure to level it gently with a spatula.
Place the pan in the preheated oven at 170 °C and let it bake for about 30-40 minutes. It is essential to watch the cake in the last minutes of baking. Check if it is baked by inserting a toothpick in the middle; if it comes out clean, the cake is ready. This step is crucial to achieve a creamy texture without drying it out excessively.
Once the cake is baked, remove it from the oven and let it cool completely in the pan. It is important not to cut it before it is completely cooled, as it is soft and easily breaks. Once cooled, you can start slicing it and enjoy its fine texture and delicious flavors. This cake is perfect to be served as a dessert at a family meal or to be enjoyed alongside a cup of coffee or tea.