Zucchini Soup

 Ingredients: 3 zucchinis, 1 carrot, 1 green bell pepper, 1 red bell pepper, 1/2 celery, a few celery stalks, 1 small red onion, 500 ml borscht, 100 grams of 25% sour cream, 2 egg yolks, 3 tablespoons of oil, salt, pepper, paprika, parsley

We start by cleaning and dicing the vegetables we have available. It is essential to ensure that all the vegetables are cut evenly, so they cook consistently. In a deep pan or cauldron, we heat three tablespoons of oil over medium heat. Once the oil is hot, we add the chopped onion along with the peppers, carrot, and celery. These vegetables will form the flavorful base of our soup, and it is important to sauté them well so that they release their flavors and become slightly transparent, about 5-7 minutes. Meanwhile, we prepare the zucchini, which we set aside to add later. After the vegetables have taken on a pleasant color, we carefully pour in 1.5-2 liters of water into the pan, ensuring that all the vegetables are covered. We let the soup boil over medium heat until the vegetables become tender but not fully cooked. This is the ideal time to add the diced zucchini, which will provide a fresh taste and delicate texture. After adding the zucchini, it is time to introduce the borscht. It should be boiled beforehand to intensify its flavor. We pour the borscht into the soup and season with salt, pepper, and a teaspoon of sweet paprika for added color and flavor. We continue to boil the soup for another 15 minutes, allowing the flavors to blend harmoniously. Once the time is up, we remove the pot from the heat and focus on finishing the dish. In a separate bowl, we mix the sour cream with the egg yolks, being careful to achieve a homogeneous composition. It is important to dilute the sour cream, so we add 4-5 tablespoons of hot soup to the mixture and homogenize well. This step will prevent the sour cream from curdling when we add it to the soup. Finally, we pour the mixture of sour cream and egg yolks into the soup, stirring gently to integrate all the ingredients. We generously sprinkle with freshly chopped green parsley, which will add a touch of color and freshness to our dish. The soup is now ready to be served, full of flavors and colors, being a true feast for the senses. Enjoy this warm soup alongside a slice of fresh bread!

 Tagssoups tomatoes pepper zucchini gluten-free recipes vegetarian recipes

Zucchini Soup
Zucchini Soup
Zucchini Soup
