Pasta in Roman Broccoli Cream

 Ingredients: Ingredients x 2: 1/2 Roman broccoli 100 g small pasta (ditali) 2-3 tablespoons of milk or sour cream salt oil feta cheese (or telemea) cumin (1 pinch) oil

To prepare a delicious broccoli recipe, we will start by gathering the necessary ingredients and utensils. First, we will take a fresh broccoli, which we will wash thoroughly under a stream of cold water. After cleaning it, we will remove the tougher parts of the stem and cut it into uniform florets to ensure even cooking. These florets will be steamed using a pressure cooker. We place the broccoli florets in the steamer basket and let them boil for 5 minutes, starting from the moment we hear the pot whistle. This cooking method preserves the nutrients and flavor of the vegetable, giving it a crunchy texture.

Once the broccoli is ready, we remove it from the pot and transfer it to a blender. Here, we will add the water in which it boiled, which contains all the vitamins and minerals that broccoli released during cooking. We blend everything until we obtain a homogeneous mixture. If necessary, we can adjust the consistency by adding more water or, conversely, leaving it thicker, depending on personal preferences. At this stage, we add salt to taste and, for extra creaminess, we can incorporate milk or cream. This ingredient will transform the broccoli cream into a dish with a rich taste and a velvety texture.

After preparing the cream, we move on to the next step: boiling the pasta in a pot of salted water, according to the instructions on the package. Once cooked, we drain them well and add them directly to the broccoli cream, carefully mixing to ensure that the pasta is well coated with the sauce. This mixture will create a comforting and flavorful dish.

To finish the dish, we drizzle olive oil on top, preferably a good quality raw oil, which will bring an intense and fresh flavor. We can also sprinkle feta cheese or telemea on top, which will melt slightly upon contact with the heat of the dish. If we want a more special alternative, goat cheese dumplings (caprino) are an excellent choice, adding a unique flavor and a touch of elegance.

For an extra flavor, we lightly toast cumin seeds in a non-stick pan, without fat, until they become golden and release their aroma. These will be sprinkled on top of the dish before serving, providing a crunchy note and an intense taste.

Thus, we serve this delicious broccoli dish with pasta, decorated with cheese and cumin, transforming a simple recipe into a culinary feast. It combines the natural flavors of the vegetables with the creamy texture of the sauce, creating a memorable gastronomic experience.

 Tagsmilk oil cheese telemea

Pasta in Roman Broccoli Cream
Pasta in Roman Broccoli Cream
Pasta in Roman Broccoli Cream
