Fish Fillet Infused with Coffee Beans

 Ingredients: White fish fillets (I've tried salted, white cod, shark) Coffee beans Sea salt Milk to cover the fillets

I promised to write the recipe for 'diet' fish fillets, low fat, without bones, neither raw nor fried, without annoying bones, not smoked, etc. Here’s how to prepare this delicious and healthy dish that will impress any gourmet.

To start, crush the coffee beans in a mortar until you get a fine powder. This step is essential, as the intense aroma of the coffee will give a special flavor to the fish fillets. Place the fillets in a suitable dish, adding the necessary salt and ground coffee. Cover the fillets with milk, ensuring that all parts are well soaked. Let the fillets marinate for a quarter of an hour on one side, then turn them over and repeat the process on the other side. This marinating time allows the flavors to penetrate the meat, making the fish tastier.

After the fillets have been in the marinade, take a nylon bag, place the fillets inside, being careful not to overlap them. Pour the milk with coffee beans until the bag is almost full, then tie it well at the mouth. This is the stage where the fillets will be infused with the desired flavors.

Prepare a pot with water, bringing approximately 2 liters to a boil. Once the water boils, turn off the heat and wait half an hour for it to reach the ideal temperature of 65-70 degrees Celsius. Place the bag with the fish fillets in the warm water, ensuring it does not boil but only simmers gently. It is important to maintain this constant temperature for a perfect result. Let the fillets infuse for exactly 12 minutes.

After the time is up, remove the bag from the water and cool it under a stream of cold water. This way, you will get a fish with a slightly smoky flavor, but much finer and refined than traditionally. Its texture will be so tender that there will be no need for a knife to break it into various salads or to use it in other dishes. For example, you can fill the 'Tower of Babel' with pieces of infused zander, and for an attractive appearance, add a whole shard of fish on top.

This dish is truly wonderful, easy to make, and perfect for preparing in advance. If you make it the night before, it will be ideal for a healthy breakfast the next day. Also, if you want to keep it longer without losing its distinctive aroma, store the fillets or fish flakes in jars or plastic containers, adding a few drops of oil and lemon juice. I recommend adding a few strips of lemon peel for an extra flavor. This simple and delicious recipe will surely become a favorite in your kitchen!

 Tagsmilk over christmas and new year's recipes gluten-free recipes

Fish Fillet Infused with Coffee Beans
Fish Fillet Infused with Coffee Beans
Fish Fillet Infused with Coffee Beans
