How to Store Egg Whites and What to Use Them For

 Ingredients: egg whites

Storing egg whites is essential to keep them fresh and usable, and knowing the correct methods can make a big difference in the kitchen. Here are some detailed suggestions on how to store egg whites in the best conditions.

1. **In the refrigerator:** It is important to keep in mind that egg whites do not last very long in the cold, as they can dry out quickly if stored in the refrigerator for more than a day. An effective method to extend their shelf life is to lightly mix them with a little water before storing. Cover the container you put them in, and this way, you can keep them in the refrigerator for up to 3 days without losing quality.

2. **In the freezer:** If you want to keep egg whites for a longer period, freezing is the best option. Egg whites can be frozen individually or in groups. A popular method is to use ice cube trays; this way, you can freeze egg whites in small portions of 1-2 tablespoons. Once the egg white cubes are frozen, you can transfer them to a ziplock bag or an airtight container. It is recommended that the container be made of flexible material, and when filling it, leave some space, as the liquid will expand as it freezes.

To keep things organized, write on the container the number of egg whites and the freezing date. If you haven’t done this, you can determine the number of egg whites by weighing; a medium-sized egg white weighs about 32 g.

When you decide to use the frozen egg whites, you need to let them thaw properly. You can do this either in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours or at room temperature for 2-3 hours. A quick option is to place the container with egg whites in a bowl of cold water, submerging it until you reach the desired consistency.

Remember that if you use thawed egg whites, it is best to use them immediately. If you need to keep them for a few hours, you can store them in the refrigerator, but do not forget that you should not expose them to heat sources or the microwave. Frozen and then thawed egg whites behave similarly to fresh ones, retaining all their qualities and being ideal for various culinary preparations.

In conclusion, knowing these storage methods will help you save time and resources, ensuring that your egg whites remain fresh and ready to use at any moment.

How to Store Egg Whites and What to Use Them For
How to Store Egg Whites and What to Use Them For
