Apple and Coconut Pudding
Ingredients: -4- 5 apples -2- 3 tablespoons lemon juice -1 tablespoon clarified butter (ghee) or butter -2- 4 tablespoons powdered sugar -4- 5 large slices of bread -1- 1 ½ cups milk (250 ml cup) -3 tablespoons granulated sugar -5 eggs -1 teaspoon ground cinnamon -raisins -roasted nuts -1 tablespoon flower water -2- 3 tablespoons desiccated coconut For serving (optional): -thick sour cream or full-fat yogurt (well drained)
To prepare a delicious and fragrant apple pudding, start by peeling the apples and removing the seeds, then slice them thinly. It is important to immediately sprinkle them with lemon juice to prevent oxidation and maintain a vibrant color. Arrange the apple slices evenly in a baking dish that you have previously greased with butter and dusted with powdered sugar to create a sweet and crunchy crust.
In another bowl, dissolve the granulated sugar in warm milk. Allow the mixture to cool slightly so as not to cook the eggs when added. In a larger bowl, beat the eggs as for an omelet, then add the cinnamon, flower water (orange or rose, according to preference), and the cooled milk. Mix all the ingredients well, ensuring that the flavors blend perfectly.
Once you have a homogeneous mixture, cut the bread into cubes, keeping the crust, and add it to the milk sauce. Set the mixture aside for about 10 minutes so that the bread softens and absorbs almost all the liquid. Then, fold in the raisins and chopped nuts, mixing gently not to ruin the texture. Once you have a uniform composition, carefully place it over the apple slices in the dish and pour the remaining unabsorbed sauce on top.
For a tasty finish, sprinkle coconut on top, which will add a crunchy texture and a subtle flavor. Now it’s time to bake the pudding in the preheated oven at an appropriate temperature for about 40-50 minutes. The pudding is ready when the liquid is completely absorbed, and the surface takes on a golden, appetizing hue.
It is important to note that this pudding cannot be inverted or removed from the pan, so serve it directly from the dish, nicely portioned. It can be enjoyed warm or cold, either plain or accompanied by a dollop of sour cream or yogurt, which will add a touch of freshness. This recipe not only combines the classic flavors of apples but also offers a comforting culinary experience, perfect for any time of the day.
Tags: eggs milk unt sour cream sugar fruits apples lemon nut pudding vegetarian recipes