Almond Essence
Ingredients: 12 whole raw almonds (without skin) 500 ml vodka
Almond essence is an essential ingredient in many confectionery and pastry recipes, as well as in savory dishes, bringing a distinctive and unmistakable flavor. Unfortunately, the essences available in supermarkets are often lacking the main ingredient, almonds, and are mostly composed of synthetic flavors and vegetable oils, making them less appealing for those who want to control their ingredients. Fortunately, it is extremely simple to make almond essence ourselves, using just a few basic ingredients and a little time.
To prepare almond essence at home, we need 12 raw, shelled almonds, and 500 ml of vodka. Vodka is an ideal solvent due to its 40% alcohol content, which facilitates the extraction of flavors from the almonds. It is important to choose a quality vodka, such as Finlandia, which is produced from agricultural origin ethyl alcohol, having superior purity.
The first step in preparing the essence is to sterilize the container in which we will keep the mixture. It is essential to ensure that the container is clean and airtight to prevent contamination. After sterilization, we add the whole almonds to the container, then pour the vodka over them. It is important to seal the container tightly to prevent alcohol evaporation and air ingress.
Once we have prepared the mixture, we keep it in a dark and cool place, such as a pantry or cellar, for two months. During this time, it is recommended to shake the container every 3-5 days to ensure an even extraction of flavors. It is essential not to open the lid during this period, as air can affect the quality of the essence.
After the two months of maceration, the almond essence is ready for use. It can be used in various preparations, from cakes and cookies to creams and sauces. Its intense aroma will add a special note to your recipes, being much more flavorful and natural compared to commercial essences. Additionally, the fact that you made it yourself gives you the satisfaction of fully controlling the ingredients and enjoying a pure and authentic flavor. So, don't hesitate any longer and start making your own almond essence!
Tags: gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes