Filling the Borscht

 Ingredients: bran, a handful of cornmeal, a few cherry twigs, and of course, hot water.

To prepare a delicious and healthy borscht, we start with a large jar, about three liters, which will allow us to obtain a generous amount of borscht. The first step is to fill a quarter of the jar with bran. Bran is an excellent source of fiber and nutrients, essential for healthy digestion. After adding the bran, we incorporate the cornmeal, a traditional ingredient that gives borscht a unique texture and a special taste. We moisten the mixture with a little cold water, mixing well so that the ingredients form a homogeneous paste.

The next step is to add 300 grams of husta, an essential element for fermenting the borscht. If we do not have ready-made husta, it is not a problem. We can prepare this composition by mixing bran with a little bought borscht, enough to obtain a paste. It is important to let this mixture sit at room temperature for a few hours so that the natural bacteria can start the fermentation process.

Once we have added the husta to the jar, it is time to add the cherry twigs, which will bring an extra aroma and a sour taste to our borscht. Then, we pour hot water into the jar, filling it to capacity. It is essential to stir gently to ensure that all ingredients are well incorporated and that the flavor will be evenly distributed.

We cover the jar with a plate and wrap it in a towel to maintain heat and facilitate fermentation. We let the jar sit at room temperature for 24 hours. This is when the borscht will begin to develop, and the flavors will intensify.

After 24 hours, the borscht is ready to be used. When using it, it is important to strain the borscht to remove the bran and other solids. Once we have removed all the borscht from the jar, we can add hot water again over the remaining composition. It is important to keep the jar at room temperature so that the borscht can sour again, a process that may take another day. This cycle of use and refilling ensures a consistent and delicious borscht, full of vitamins and minerals, ready to be used in various dishes or consumed as is.

 Tagscream gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes fat-free recipes

Filling the Borscht
Filling the Borscht
Filling the Borscht
