How to Beat Egg Whites: Foam (Soft, Stiff Peaks) and Meringue

 Ingredients: egg whites - 1 pinch of salt - sugar (for egg white meringue)

Separating egg whites from yolks is an essential step in preparing many recipes, especially when it comes to fluffy desserts or airy cakes. It is crucial to avoid contaminating the egg whites with any trace of yolk, as this can affect their ability to whip well. It is best to separate the eggs immediately after taking them out of the refrigerator; however, to achieve a fluffy foam, the egg whites need to reach room temperature. Therefore, let them sit for about 30 minutes before starting the whipping process. Egg whites at room temperature can increase in volume by 6-8 times, providing a much better final result.

To whip the egg whites, you have two options: an electric mixer or a whisk. If you choose the mixer, make sure the bowl and beaters are extremely clean and dry. You can degrease the bowl with a slice of lemon, followed by a paper towel. In the mixer bowl, add the egg whites along with a pinch of salt. Start whipping them at a low speed to break the proteins, which will allow the egg whites to become more elastic and incorporate more air. Gradually increase the speed until the egg whites become opaque and frothy, forming soft 'peaks.' Continuing at high speed, you will achieve 'stiff peaks,' which should stand upright when you lift the mixer beaters.

It is important not to over-whip the egg whites, as an overly stiff foam cannot be incorporated into the batter. In some recipes, it is sufficient to obtain whipped egg whites, but in other cases, you will need to prepare meringue. In this case, after the egg whites have been whipped to stiff peaks, start adding the sugar gradually, mixing continuously. Once all the sugar has been incorporated, continue mixing at maximum speed for about four minutes, until the meringue becomes glossy and consistent.

If you opt for a whisk, use a round whisk, which will create a better foam compared to a mixer, although it will require more time and effort. Make sure the bowl is stainless steel or glass and perfectly clean. Degrease it as you would with the mixer. Whipped egg whites are essential for aerating the batter, and using them can replace the need for other leavening agents. Thus, with a little patience and attention to detail, you will achieve a perfect foam that will transform any dish into a light and delicious delicacy.

 Tagseggs sugar

How to Beat Egg Whites: Foam (Soft, Stiff Peaks) and Meringue
How to Beat Egg Whites: Foam (Soft, Stiff Peaks) and Meringue
How to Beat Egg Whites: Foam (Soft, Stiff Peaks) and Meringue
