Strawberry Tarts

 Ingredients: Tart base 130g of flour 20g of granulated sugar 90g of butter 35ml of water 3g of salt Cream cheese 150g of ricotta 1 rum essence 30g of powdered sugar 1 pinch of vanilla salt, orange and lemon zest 1 egg white Almond cream 1 egg yolk 40g of powdered sugar 25g of cornstarch 2 tablespoons of almond syrup (or a few drops of essence) 250ml of milk Strawberries

The tart base is an essential element in preparing any delicious tart. We start by taking a bowl and adding flour and granulated sugar. It is important that the butter is soft, as this allows us to cut it into small cubes more easily. These cubes of butter are added to the bowl with flour and sugar, and the mixture is worked with the tips of the fingers. The goal is to achieve a fine texture, similar to a grainy powder, in which the butter is perfectly incorporated.

Once we reach this consistency, we add the salt dissolved in water, little by little, until the dough becomes a smooth and homogeneous mass. It is essential not to overdo it with the water, as we want a dough that is easy to shape but not sticky. Once the dough is ready, we wrap it in cling film and let it chill for about an hour to firm up and be easier to work with later.

In the meantime, we can prepare the cream cheese. In a bowl, we mix all the necessary ingredients, ensuring that we obtain a homogeneous and smooth composition. This cream will add a touch of flavor to our tart.

For the almond cream, we put the milk on the heat along with the almond syrup, bringing it close to boiling point. Then, in another bowl, we mix the egg yolk with sugar and cornstarch until it whitens. It is essential to pour the warm milk into the egg cream gradually, stirring constantly to avoid curdling the egg. After incorporating all the milk, we transfer the mixture to the pot where we heated the milk and put it back on the heat. We stir with a spoon until the cream starts to thicken, then let it cool.

In the meantime, we take care of the strawberries. We wash them well and remove the stems, preparing them to be placed in the tart.

After the dough has chilled, we roll it out and place it in the tart molds, making sure to prick the base with a fork several times to prevent air bubbles from forming. Then, we pour the cream cheese into the tart molds and bake them in a preheated oven at 180°C until the edges become golden and nicely colored.

After taking the tarts out of the oven, we place them on a rack to cool completely. Once cooled, we carefully spread the almond cream over the cheese and arrange the beautifully sliced strawberries on top. These will not only add an attractive appearance but also a fresh and delicious flavor.

We chill the tart to firm up the cream a bit, and then it is ready to serve. This tart is perfect for any occasion, being a dessert that combines creamy textures with fresh fruits. Enjoy your meal!

 Tagseggs milk unt flour cheese sugar fruits lemon oranges strawberries vegetarian recipes tart

Strawberry Tarts
