Pear Jam

 Ingredients: 1.2 kg of Williams pears (cut into quarters and without cores) 1 kg of sugar 1 glass of cold water (optional)

To prepare a delicious pear jam, we start by selecting well-ripened and fragrant pears. Wash them with cold water and cut them into quarters, removing the core. Then, slice each quarter into thin strips lengthwise, and finally, chop them into small pieces. These will be placed in a large pot, creating layers interspersed with sugar. It is important that the last layer is sugar, to help form the syrup. Cover the pot with a lid and let it sit in a cool place for a few hours, ideally in the refrigerator or on the balcony where it is cool. This step will allow the pears to release their juice, and the sugar to dissolve.

After sitting in the cool, you will notice how the pears have started to float in a sweet sauce. At this point, add a glass of water, using a standard kitchen glass. Then, place the pot on low heat, being careful not to let it boil too hard, but just to simmer slowly to avoid burning the ingredients. If you have a heat diffuser, you can place it under the pot to distribute the heat evenly.

As the jam begins to cook, check the consistency of the syrup. When the syrup thickens, do the plate test: take a teaspoon of syrup and place it on a small plate, tilting it. If the syrup slides quickly, it needs more time on the heat; if it moves more slowly, it is ready. Another method to check is to drop a few drops of syrup into a plate with cold water. If the drops form a ball, the jam is perfect; if they dissolve, it needs to cook longer.

In the meantime, sterilize the jars and lids, either by boiling or drying in the oven. Once the jam is ready, carefully pour it into the sterilized jars, being very careful not to burn yourself. Seal the lids tightly and place the jars lid-side down to create a vacuum as they cool. You will hear a characteristic click when the seal is made. If you do not hear this sound, do not worry; when you turn them to store in the cupboard, you will notice they have sealed correctly.

After they have completely cooled, wipe the jars of any jam droplets with a damp cloth and place them in the pantry. Now you have a seasonal delicacy, perfect to be enjoyed on a slice of toasted bread or as a filling for cakes. This pear jam will bring a touch of warmth and flavor to every day, being a true indulgence for the senses.

 Tagssugar fruits pear sweetness gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes recipes for children recipes for hepatitis recipes for hypertensives fat-free recipes

Pear Jam
Pear Jam
Pear Jam
