Hot peppers in vinegar

 Ingredients: 500 g hot peppers, 700 ml vinegar, 4-5 tablespoons sugar or to taste, 1 teaspoon salt

Hot peppers are not just a spicy ingredient but also a true delicacy, adding an extra burst of flavor to any dish. We start by choosing the right hot peppers, which should be firm, shiny, and blemish-free. After washing them well under a stream of cold water, we slice them into fine rounds, taking care to wear gloves to avoid skin irritation. This step is essential, as the correct cutting of the peppers will ensure a uniform flavor in the final dish.

Once the peppers are sliced, we transfer them to a glass, porcelain, or ceramic bowl, avoiding metal to prevent unpleasant chemical reactions. In this bowl, the peppers can be mixed with a blend of ingredients that will amplify their aroma. It is recommended to add salt to help extract the juices from the peppers, as well as sugar, which will add a touch of sweetness and balance the heat. Previously, the sugar can be melted in a little warm water to dissolve more easily.

After mixing all the ingredients well, we cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap and let the mixture sit at room temperature, ideally overnight. This maceration period is crucial as it allows the flavors to develop and intensify, and the peppers to become more tender and flavorful.

The next day, it's time to bottle them. We ensure that the jars are clean and sterilized to prevent bacterial growth. Using a spoon or ladle, we transfer the hot pepper mixture into the jars, making sure to leave a little space at the top for expansion. After filling all the jars, we seal them tightly with lids, ensuring they are airtight.

The jars of hot peppers can be stored in the pantry, in a cool, dark place, where they can be kept for a longer period, further developing the flavors. These delicious rounds of hot peppers can be served alongside soups, stews, stuffed cabbage, or any dish that requires a splash of heat and flavor. Whether you use them as a garnish or as a main ingredient in a sauce, hot peppers will certainly add character to your meals. Preparing them is not just a preservation technique but also a way to enjoy intense flavors and delight your senses.

 Tagspepper sugar

Hot peppers in vinegar
