Mushroom Stew

 Ingredients: -500g champignon mushrooms -5 cloves of garlic -1 onion -10 tablespoons sunflower oil -400ml water -juice of half a lemon -300ml milk -5 tablespoons tomato sauce -2 tablespoons flour -2 bay leaves -1 teaspoon paprika -salt -pepper -fresh parsley

Mushrooms are carefully washed under a stream of cold water to remove any impurities. Once cleaned, I slice them thinly, making sure to keep a uniform size for even cooking. I decided to divide the total amount of mushrooms into four portions, which will allow me to fry them properly, using 8 tablespoons of sunflower oil. It is essential to fry the mushrooms over high heat, stirring continuously to avoid overcrowding in the pan, which could lead to improper cooking.

In a heated pan, I add 2 tablespoons of oil and put in the first portion of mushrooms. I let the mushrooms fry on high heat, watching as they begin to release their own juice, becoming soft and flavorful. After a few minutes, when the mushrooms are nicely browned, I sprinkle salt, freshly ground pepper, and the juice of half a lemon, which will add a touch of freshness. I mix the ingredients well and set them aside to continue with the rest of the preparations.

Separately, I take care of the onion and garlic, which I chop finely. In the same pan, I add another 2 tablespoons of oil, activating the flavors that will enrich the dish. When the oil is hot, I add the onion and garlic, letting them sauté for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly until they become translucent and aromatic. Then, I add the fried mushrooms, including the juice released, and complete with water and a teaspoon of sweet paprika, allowing the mixture to simmer slowly.

While the mushrooms are cooking, I start on the sauce. In a bowl, I mix the flour with the tomato sauce and milk, ensuring there are no lumps. This combination will give a creamy texture and rich flavor to the dish. Once the mushrooms have softened and the water has reduced considerably, I add the flour sauce to the pan, mixing well to integrate all the flavors. I let it simmer on low heat for another 5 minutes until the flour is fully cooked. Finally, I sprinkle a little chopped fresh parsley, adding a touch of color and freshness.

I serve this delicious dish alongside a side of rice or fresh bread, enjoying every bite. Bon appétit!

 Tagsonion greenness garlic milk flour oil mushrooms lemon stew gluten-free recipes vegetarian recipes

Mushroom Stew
Mushroom Stew
Mushroom Stew
