Jelly/paste/jam of Opuntia Ficus-indica

 Ingredients: 1 kg of opuntia ficus indica, 500 g of sugar, 1 glass of water, juice from 1/2 lemon

Spiny fruits, with their unusual appearance, are true delicacies but also a challenge in the cleaning process. They can be intimidating due to their spines, both large and small, which can fly through the air even with a simple breath. Therefore, to handle them easily, it is essential to wear protective gloves. Usually, these fruits are available on the market cleaned of the large spines, which makes things a bit easier.

The first step is to place them in a basin or pot with cold water, leaving them there for 30 minutes. This will help reduce the mobility of the spines, making the cleaning process considerably safer. After waiting the necessary time, put on your gloves and start cleaning the fruits. Use a sharp knife to remove the skin. Start by cutting off the ends of the fruits, similar to how you would cut the corners of a baguette, and then make a lengthwise incision on the fruit. This technique will allow you to easily remove the skin.

Once cleaned, chop the fruits as finely as possible and place them in a pot on the stove. It is important to stir occasionally to prevent sticking. The pulp of the fruits, rich in seeds the size of tomato seeds, will begin to liquefy under the heat. The goal is to obtain a homogeneous mass, which will then be passed through a sieve to separate the juice from the seeds. This step may require a few attempts to ensure you have extracted all the juice.

After extracting the juice, it must be transferred to a pot with a thick bottom (an enameled cast iron pot is ideal), where you will add sugar and water. Boil the mixture until it thickens, testing with a small plate: drop a few drops of jelly on the plate and tilt it; if the jelly slides slowly, it is a sign that it is ready. At this point, add lemon juice and let it cook for another minute.

Meanwhile, ensure that the jars and lids are properly sterilized. Once the jelly is ready, pour it hot into jars and seal them tightly. It is recommended to turn the jars upside down to cool slowly, which helps form a better seal. After they have cooled, wipe the jars of any jelly droplets and label them carefully. These delicacies can be stored in a cupboard or pantry, where they will wait to be enjoyed. From one kilogram of fruits, you will obtain two jars of delicious jelly, ready to be opened and tasted.

 Tagssugar sweetness gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes fat-free recipes

Jelly/paste/jam of Opuntia Ficus-indica
Jelly/paste/jam of Opuntia Ficus-indica
Jelly/paste/jam of Opuntia Ficus-indica
