Pepper paste in a jar

 Ingredients: For 1 serving: 5 kg of bell peppers (or kapia peppers), 3 kg of tomatoes, salt to taste, 1 tablespoon of salicylic.

To create a delicious bell pepper and tomato paste, it is essential to start with the freshest ingredients. Begin by washing the bell peppers and tomatoes thoroughly under a stream of cold water, ensuring that you remove any impurities or residues. Choose high-quality bell peppers, with a vibrant color, full of flavor, and make sure the tomatoes are ripe and juicy to obtain a rich and aromatic paste.

Once you have washed the ingredients, it's time to prepare the bell peppers. Cut them in half, remove the stem and seeds, then grind them well. You can use a food processor or a meat grinder, depending on your preferences. This step will give your paste a fine texture. In the end, you should achieve a uniform paste that will enhance the dish.

Next, the tomatoes need to be squeezed to extract the delicious juice. Use a tomato machine or a juicer to obtain concentrated juice. This step is essential to ensure the right consistency of the paste without making it too liquid. Combine the ground bell peppers with the tomato juice in a large pot, ideal for cooking the mixture.

Put the mixture over medium heat and add salt to taste. It is recommended to start with a small amount and adjust later as the paste begins to boil. The heat should be constant, and the mixture should be stirred frequently to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pot. Let it boil until the volume is reduced by half, and the paste becomes thicker and more concentrated. This process can take about 30-45 minutes.

After the paste has reached the desired consistency, it's time to add the preservative, whether you opt for salicylic acid or another preservative powder. This will help preserve the taste and freshness of the product over time. Once you have incorporated the preservative, turn off the heat and let the mixture cool down a bit.

Prepare the sterilized jars, ensuring they are clean and dry. Fill each jar with the bell pepper and tomato paste, leaving a little space at the top of the jar for expansion. After filling all the jars, seal them tightly. Cover the jars with a blanket or thick material and let them cool slowly until the next day. This method will help form a tight seal, essential for preservation.

After 24 hours, you can store the jars in the pantry, where they will wait to be used in various delicious dishes throughout the winter. This bell pepper and tomato paste is perfect for adding to meals or as an accompaniment to different dishes. Bon appétit!

 Tagstomatoes pepper gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes fat-free recipes

Pepper paste in a jar
Pepper paste in a jar
Pepper paste in a jar
