Cake 'bucharest'

 Ingredients: * 36 eggs (I used 6) 850 g sugar (I added 140 g) 1.250 kg flour (I used 200 g or a little less) 0.050 kg cocoa (I used 10 grams) 100 ml caramel syrup (I added 25 - 30 ml) 300 ml water (I added 50 ml) 0.050 l oil (I used a tablespoon) For the cream filling (original recipe plus my amounts in parentheses) 4.400 kg sugar (I added 750 g) 12 eggs (I used 2) 800 ml milk (I used 130 ml) 4.700 kg butter (I added 785 g) 0.020 flower water/extract (I used pistachio extract) 0.001 green food coloring (2-3 drops) This cream, for the Bucharest cake, is divided into two, and in one part cocoa is added to taste) Other ingredients: Rum syrup for soaking Cocoa fondant (I didn’t add) White pastry fondant (** I didn’t add) Food coloring Mixed candied fruits (for decoration) for the cocoa base

To prepare this delicious cake base, we start by separating the ingredients and organizing the work process. From the total amount of sugar specified in the recipe, we use one-third for the egg whites and two-thirds for the yolks. In a bowl, we beat the yolks with the sugar until the mixture becomes light in color and doubles in volume. Then, we add cold water and continue to beat, achieving an airy composition. At this point, it's time to incorporate the burnt sugar syrup and oil, mixing well. Next, we add the cocoa mixed with flour, ensuring that the ingredients are perfectly homogenized. Personally, I like to add a pinch of vanilla for extra flavor, but this is optional.

In another bowl, the beating of the egg whites now takes center stage. Using the remaining sugar, we beat the egg whites until they form a stiff foam, and the sugar completely dissolves. We then take a portion of this egg white foam and add it to the yolk mixture, carefully mixing to avoid breaking the air bubbles. This step is essential to bring the egg mixture to a softer consistency, making it easier to combine the two compositions. We continue by adding half of the egg white foam and mix again, observing how the dough becomes more pliable. Finally, we incorporate the remaining egg whites, being careful to mix gently, using up-and-down movements to preserve the air in the egg whites.

After achieving a homogeneous composition, we pour the batter into the previously prepared baking pan, greased with oil and lined with baking paper. It is crucial to focus on the baking process. We start at a moderate temperature, watching as the cake base gradually rises. Then, we can increase the temperature, being careful to check periodically by gently touching. When the base is baked, we take it out of the oven and let it cool in the pan before transferring it to a cooling rack to cool completely. Later, we put it in the freezer, where we leave it overnight.

For the delicious cream, we mix the eggs with the sugar and milk, putting the mixture to boil in a pot. We continue to stir until it begins to boil. As soon as it boils, we take it off the heat and clean the edges with a brush dipped in cold water, thus preventing crust formation. After the mixture has cooled, we add the butter, flower water (or pistachio essence), and, if desired, a little food coloring corresponding to the flavor. We beat everything well with a mixer until we obtain a smooth consistency. I divided the cream into two, adding cocoa to one part and continuing to boil a little to intensify the flavors.

Once we have both creams, we let them cool sufficiently before combining them with the butter, making sure to flavor them properly. After achieving the desired consistency, we put them in the refrigerator to firm up.

For assembling the cake, we defrost the base and cut it into three equal slices, each layer having a denser texture due to the absence of leavening agents. We prepare a syrup from water, sugar, vanilla, and lemon zest, which we let boil a little before cooling. The cake slices are then soaked with this flavored syrup, ensuring that each layer absorbs enough liquid to be tasty.

Each slice of base is placed in the removable wall pan, alternating between the chocolate cream and the pistachio cream, culminating with the last slice of base. We cover everything with plastic wrap and leave it in the refrigerator for a few hours. After cooling, the cake is covered with fondant or chocolate cream, and the decoration can vary, from fondant flowers to a lattice of pistachio cream. Every detail enhances the final appearance of the cake, making it not only a delicacy but also a true culinary work of art.

 Tagseggs milk unt flour oil sugar cocoa christmas and new year's recipes vegetarian recipes cake

Cake 'bucharest'
Cake 'bucharest'
Cake 'bucharest'
