Asparagus Skewers

 Ingredients: 2 bunches of asparagus (about 28 pieces) 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (sesame/walnut/olive - whichever you have in the kitchen - ideally sesame) 2 tablespoons of soy sauce (organic) 1 green garlic stalk 4 tablespoons of sesame seeds 12 wooden skewers for grilling.

Although the asparagus season started with enthusiasm, I sadly discovered that, after numerous searches through the markets in Bucharest, I did not find any local asparagus. Thus, I resorted to a choice from the supermarket, bringing in some fresh bundles from Peru. If you have information about local asparagus available in the markets of Bucharest, please share it with me. Asparagus, besides its delightful aroma, is a vegetable with countless health benefits. It is recognized for its ability to lower cholesterol levels, its richness in antioxidants, its refreshing effects on the liver, its diuretic properties, and its high folic acid content. Some cultures consider it a true aphrodisiac, thus adding a touch of mystery and charm.

Whether we serve it as a side dish with steak, facilitating protein absorption, or choose to turn it into a cream soup, asparagus is a delicious choice. I propose a simple recipe for grilled asparagus, which I personally prepared on an electric grill for convenience. The result was, however, spectacular and tasty.

For this recipe, you will need 2 bunches of asparagus (approximately 28 pieces), 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably sesame oil, but you can also use walnut or olive oil), 2 tablespoons of organic soy sauce, one green garlic stalk, 4 tablespoons of sesame seeds, and 12 wooden skewers.

The first step is to cut off the woody part of each asparagus piece. This can be saved for a delicious cream soup. Then, take the tender part of the asparagus and place 4-5 pieces on each 2 skewers, making sure to insert them 4 centimeters from the tip and 3 centimeters from the base.

In a mortar, grind the green garlic until it becomes a fine paste, then add the oil, soy sauce, and sesame seeds. The resulting mixture is ideal for brushing the skewers. Place the skewers on the grill, allowing them to cook for 5 minutes on each side. It is good to know that the sauce is so delicious that it is worth making a larger quantity to brush the skewers after you take them off the grill. This detail will enhance the flavor and make the dish even more savory.

I hope you enjoy the resulting dish and savor every bite. Enjoy your meal!

 Tagsgarlic oil olives nut soy gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes recipes for children recipes for diabetics recipes for hepatitis recipes for hypertensives fat-free recipes

Asparagus Skewers
Asparagus Skewers
Asparagus Skewers
