Pickles in Barrel with Vinegar
Ingredients: 10 l water, 300 g salt, 700 g sugar, 50 g peppercorns, 50 g mustard seeds, 5 pieces of horseradish, 10 bay leaves, 10 aspirin, 2.5 l of 9-degree vinegar (or to taste), 1 pack of lemon salt, 1/2 teaspoon dried celery leaves, chopped carrots, dried dill, dried thyme, a few sprigs of bell peppers, green tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, onion, garlic, red cabbage, white cabbage, hot peppers, quinces.
To make a delicious and healthy pickle, start by preparing the pickling jar. Place fresh dill and thyme sprigs at the bottom of the container, along with celery leaves and a few slices of carrots. These will provide a flavorful taste and a pleasant texture to the pickles. Choose the vegetables you want to pickle - cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower, or peppers - and arrange them carefully in the jar, making sure they are evenly distributed.
Once you have placed the vegetables, it's time to prepare the brine. Bring water to a boil in a large pot. When the water starts to boil, add salt and sugar, stirring well to dissolve completely. When the brine comes to a boil, add peppercorns, mustard seeds, and lemon salt. Let it boil for a few moments so that the flavors combine harmoniously.
Once the brine is ready, take the pot off the heat and let it cool slightly. At this point, add the 10 aspirin tablets, stirring well to dissolve them completely. This will help preserve the pickles and prevent bacterial growth.
Among the vegetables in the jar, add strips of horseradish and bay leaves, which will provide an extra flavor. Pour the hot brine over the vegetables in the jar, making sure they are completely covered. Seal the jar with a tight lid and place it in a cool, dark place away from sunlight. The pickles will need about 2-3 weeks to turn into tangy delights.
After these weeks, check the pickles. If they are ready, take about 250 ml of the pickling solution and dissolve in it 1/2 teaspoon of Borken or sodium benzoate. This ingredient will prevent the formation of blooms on the pickles and keep the vegetables crunchy until spring. Pour the prepared solution back over the vegetables in the jar, making sure they are well covered.
Now that you have finished preparing the pickles, all that’s left is to enjoy them alongside your favorite dishes. These pickles will add a unique, tangy flavor and a crunchy texture to your meals.
Tags: onion garlic carrots cabbage tomatoes pepper cauliflower sugar lemon cucumbers pickles gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes fat-free recipes