
 Ingredients: 3 organic egg yolks, 325 ml evaporated milk, 450 ml coconut cream (can) or a block of coconut paste + 450 ml water, 400 ml sweetened condensed milk, 3 cloves (or a pinch of cloves), 1/2 stick of cinnamon (1 teaspoon ground cinnamon), 2 allspice berries (or a pinch of allspice), a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract *for an alcoholic version add white rum

To prepare this delicious recipe, start by finely grinding whole spices such as cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom. These flavors will give your dish a unique character and an exotic note. Use a mortar or a spice grinder to achieve a fine powder that will release all its aromas during cooking.

In a heatproof bowl, lightly beat the egg yolks until frothy, then add the evaporated milk. This will give your dish a creamy texture. Place a small pot over low heat and fill it with water, gradually bringing it to a slow boil. Set the bowl with the egg and milk mixture over the pot, ensuring that the bowl does not touch the water. This indirect cooking process, called bain-marie, will help gently cook the mixture.

Using a whisk, constantly stir the contents of the bowl until it reaches a temperature of about 70°C. This step is crucial to prevent the eggs from coagulating, ensuring you achieve a smooth and creamy base. Once you reach the desired temperature, let the mixture cool for a few minutes before transferring it to a blender.

In the blender, add the coconut cream, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, and ground spices, as well as the rum if you choose to use it. Pulse the mixture until all the ingredients are combined and you achieve a homogeneous composition. The coconut flavor will perfectly complement the other ingredients, creating a refined and savory taste.

After obtaining the desired mixture, cover the blender and let the dish cool in the refrigerator overnight. This resting period will allow the flavors to blend and become more intense. If you have a block of coconut paste, you can prepare a delicious alternative. Add 450 ml of water to a pot, bring it to low heat, and stir until the coconut paste has completely melted. Then, strain the mixture through a fine sieve to obtain a smooth liquid.

Adjust the spices according to your personal preferences to create a unique recipe that reflects your tastes. This combination of ingredients, enriched with spices, will transform the dish into a refined and fragrant dessert, perfect for any special occasion. Enjoy every bite and savor the final result!

 Tagsmilk gluten-free recipes vegetarian recipes

