Wonton Dumpling Soup
Ingredients: Soup: 4 l water 1 large carrot (150 g cleaned) 1 large onion (70 g cleaned) 150 g of goose/garlic 1 bay leaf salt to taste 2 lg olive oil 600 ml filled bors 600 ml of bors stuffed a piece of ginger Galuste dough: 400 g wheat flour 150 ml cold water 1 lgt coarse salt Galette filling: 800 g lean beef (chopped) 1 onion suitable (80g, after being cleaned) 1 lgt grated ginger powder 1/4 lgt ground allspice 1 lgt grated coarse salt 2 lgt dried parsley 3lgt olive oil
Dumpling soup is a traditional dish, full of aromas and flavors, that delights our senses and reminds us of warm meals from childhood. To start, carefully prepare the vegetables. The carrot, peeled and washed, is sliced into thin rounds, so that it perfectly combines with the other ingredients. The onion, peeled and washed, is added whole to the water, while the bell pepper, cut into large strips, will bring extra flavor to the soup. Add the bay leaf, which will provide an aromatic taste. Put all these ingredients to boil to extract their delicious flavors. It's important not to forget to remove the onion from the soup after it has boiled, as it will have already done its job.
While the vegetables are boiling, you can prepare the dough and filling for the dumplings. For the dough, place the flour in a large bowl and dissolve the salt in cold water. Pour the salty water mixture over the flour and stir with a spoon until all the water is absorbed. Then, start kneading the dough by hand until you achieve a smooth and elastic texture. If necessary, gradually add more water or flour until you reach the desired consistency. Once you have the dough, set it aside to rest.
For the filling, in another bowl, place the minced meat, add your favorite spices, finely chopped onion, oil, and dried parsley. Mix the ingredients well to obtain a homogeneous and tasty composition.
Assembling the dumplings is a stage full of creativity. Roll out the dough and cut it into equal pieces, each weighing about 20 grams. Roll each piece in your palms to form balls, then roll them out with a rolling pin as thin as possible. Take a tablespoon of filling and place it in the center of the dough sheet, carefully folding the edges to seal the filling inside. Continue this process until you finish all the dough and filling.
When you have finished preparing all the dumplings, carefully add them to the hot soup. It's important to stir them gently to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pot. Let the dumplings boil for 20 minutes, then add the well-heated borscht. Let it boil together for another 15-20 minutes, so that the flavors combine harmoniously. Finally, turn off the heat and add a splash of olive oil and a piece of freshly grated ginger, which will bring a spicy and refreshing taste.
If you find that dividing and weighing the dough is too much work, you can divide the dough into two and roll out each piece as well as possible, cutting out circles with a cup. This way, you will get perfectly round and delicious dumplings, ready to be enjoyed in a fragrant and lively soup!
Tags: onion greenness meat carrots soups borscht pepper flour oil olives