Beef Soup
Ingredients: 6 servings of veal ribs, 2 carrots, 3 green onions, 1 piece of celery, 2 bell peppers, 5 tomatoes, 3 potatoes, a handful of green beans, 1 bunch of dill, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of lovage, 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, 500 ml of sour soup, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of sour cream.
We start this delicious tripe soup recipe with an essential ingredient: pork ribs. They are boiled in a large pot with enough water to cover them completely. When the water starts to boil and foam forms on the surface, it is important to remove it with a spoon or skimmer to achieve a clear and appetizing soup. After removing the foam, we let the ribs boil for about 20 minutes over medium heat to soften a bit.
After 20 minutes, we add finely chopped onion, grated carrot and celery, and finely chopped bell peppers to the pot. These vegetables will provide the soup with a rich taste and delightful aroma. We continue to simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the meat becomes tender and the vegetables are well cooked.
Once the meat is cooked, it's time to add the cut green beans, finely chopped tomatoes, and diced potatoes. These ingredients will enrich the soup's texture and transform the dish into a hearty meal. Then, it is essential to adjust the taste with salt, and if we notice that the soup does not have the desired color due to the tomatoes, we can add a little tomato paste to enhance the shades.
Near the end of cooking, we add the necessary acidity to give personality to the soup by adding borscht. This will provide a slightly sour taste, perfect for balancing the richness of the meat and vegetables. Before turning off the heat, we enrich the soup with a beaten egg mixed with sour cream, which will give it a creamy appearance and a perfect taste.
After turning off the heat, it is time to add fresh herbs, dill, parsley, and lovage, finely chopped, which will provide an extra freshness and aroma to our soup. We serve this soup hot, sprinkled with fresh lovage on top and accompanied by a hot pepper, adding a spicy and refreshing note. Enjoy your meal! So don’t forget to savor every spoonful of this delicious soup that will delight your taste buds.