Hot Peppers, Stuffed with Raisins
Ingredients: -800 g hot peppers (can be of different shapes and colors) -200 g raisins -250 ml honey -250 ml hot water -250 ml 9-degree food vinegar
Carefully wash the hot peppers under a stream of cold water, making sure to remove any impurities. They are the main ingredient, and it is essential that they are fresh and of good quality to achieve a delicious final result. For round peppers, cut off the top with a sharp knife, just near the stem, removing only the cap. In the case of long peppers, carefully detach the thin part from the tip, keeping the stem intact for a pleasant and easy-to-handle appearance. Using a very thin-bladed knife, remove the seeds from inside, taking great care not to break the walls of the pepper. This step is crucial, as the seeds can add a bitter taste to the final dish.
Once the peppers are cleaned, fill each one with raisins that have been previously washed and well-drained. The raisins will add a sweet and pleasant note, balancing the spiciness of the peppers. It is recommended to use rubber gloves to avoid direct contact with the essential oils of the peppers, which can cause skin irritation. After filling the jars with the peppers, arrange them carefully, making sure not to break them. It is important that they are packed tightly, but not too tightly, to allow for liquid circulation.
In a separate container, dissolve the honey in hot water, stirring until it is completely homogenized. Then, add the vinegar and continue to stir until you obtain a uniform mixture. If you wish, you can bring this mixture to a boil, but this step is not mandatory - simple homogenization will be sufficient. Carefully pour this mixture over the peppers in the jars, ensuring that each pepper is well covered.
Then, seal the jars and prepare for the sterilization process. This step is essential to ensure the preservation of the preparation. Sterilize in a water bath, maintaining a constant temperature of 80 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. After completing the sterilization, remove the jars and let them cool covered with a layer of blankets to retain heat. This step will help create a vacuum, essential for preserving the freshness of the peppers.
Once they have completely cooled, store the jars in the pantry, in a dark and dry place. These pickled hot peppers with raisins are ideal to be served alongside a variety of dishes, bringing an interesting contrast between heat and sweetness. Experiment with them alongside cheeses or in sandwiches to add a special touch to your meals.
Tags: pepper honey gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes fat-free recipes