Lenten Cake I
Ingredients: 2 cups of mineral water, 3 cups of flour, 200 g of sugar (depending on jam), 1 cup of oil, 1 teaspoon of ammonium bicarbonate, 1 cup of jam, vanilla sugar, vanilla essence
To prepare a delicious jam cake, the first step is to ensure that all the ingredients are at room temperature to achieve a homogeneous and well-bound mixture. In a large bowl, we start by mixing the flour with the mineral water. It is important to add the water gradually to avoid the formation of lumps. Using a whisk, we mix vigorously until we obtain a fine paste.
Once we have achieved a uniform consistency, we add the sunflower oil, which will give the cake a soft and fluffy texture. The next ingredient is sugar, which will sweeten the mixture, followed by baking ammonia, which will help the cake rise. We continue with vanilla sugar and vanilla essence, which will add a pleasant aroma. Finally, we integrate the jam, choosing a flavor we like, whether it is peach, apricot, or plum, bringing a note of fruit and sweetness.
Once all the ingredients are well mixed, we prepare the baking tray. Choose a suitable tray, which we grease with oil to prevent the cake from sticking. Then, we dust the tray with flour, ensuring it is evenly covered. This step is essential to ensure that the cake will come out easily after baking.
We pour the obtained mixture into the tray, being careful to distribute it evenly. We preheat the oven to a medium temperature. Once the oven is ready, we place the tray inside and let the cake bake for about 40 minutes. It is important to monitor the cake, checking from time to time if it has browned nicely on the surface. In the end, we can do the toothpick test: if it comes out clean, the cake is ready.
After taking the cake out of the oven, we let it cool slightly before cutting it into portions. This jam cake is perfect to be served alongside a cup of tea or coffee, being a simple yet tasty dessert that will delight any guest. Enjoy the enticing aromas and fluffy texture of this delicacy!
Tags: flour oil sugar cookies lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes