Plum Jam

 Ingredients: 10kg plums 2 kg sugar

Plums, these delicious and fragrant fruits, are the main ingredient for a recipe that will turn any meal into a true feast of flavors. First, make sure you have ripe plums available, preferably from a sweet variety, as they will give your dessert an irresistible flavor. Start by washing the plums under a stream of cold water, ensuring that you remove any impurities or pesticide residues. This step is essential for enjoying a healthy and tasty final product.

Once the plums are clean, take a sharp knife and cut each fruit lengthwise, being careful not to damage them. Carefully remove the pits, making sure that the pieces of plum remain large, as this will help maintain the texture and attractive appearance of your dessert. Once you have finished cleaning the plums, place them in a glass or ceramic dish, preferably with a larger capacity, to allow them to mix well with the sugar.

Pour the sugar over the plums, being careful to distribute it evenly. Gently mix with a spatula or wooden spoon, so that each piece of plum is coated with sugar. Cover the dish with a lid or a clean towel and let it cool, preferably in a dark place, for 24 hours. This process will allow the sugar to extract the natural juice from the plums, preparing them for boiling.

The next day, place the dish on low heat and boil the plums for 30 minutes. Then, turn off the heat and let them cool in their sweet sauce, allowing the flavors to blend. Repeat this process for the next two days, boiling the plums for 30 minutes each day. This waiting time is crucial, as it allows the fruits to become more aromatic and acquire a pleasant consistency.

On the fourth day, boil the plums again for 30 minutes, then prepare the jars. Make sure they are clean and sterilized to prevent contamination. Fill each jar with plums, being careful to leave a little space at the top, then seal them well with lids or cellophane. These plum delicacies can be kept to be enjoyed throughout the year, providing you with a sweet and healthy snack at any time.

 Tagssugar plum gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes recipes for kids fat-free recipes

Plum Jam
Plum Jam
Plum Jam
