Dried Bean Soup with Smoked Bacon
Ingredients: -400 g dried beans -1 kg smoked pork belly -1-2 carrots, sliced -2-3 bay leaves -1 onion, finely chopped -1-2 tablespoons flour -100 ml oil -approximately 300 ml tomato puree -1 can of diced tomatoes in puree -400 ml -paprika -vinegar -salt -pepper
To prepare a delicious bean dish with bacon, it is essential to start the process the night before. Soak the beans in cold water to rehydrate them and make them easier to cook. This step will help reduce cooking time and improve the final texture of the dish.
The next morning, prepare the bacon. Wash the pieces of meat well and then blanch them to remove any impurities. Put the bacon in a large pot with 3-4 liters of cold water, bringing everything to a boil. It is important to remove the foam that forms on the surface, as it contains impurities and excess fat. Let the bacon simmer on low heat until it becomes tender. Once ready, remove the bacon from the water, drain it, and keep the liquid warm, as it will be the base of the soup.
After the beans have soaked, drain them well and discard the water. Place the beans in another pot with fresh water, ensuring they are completely covered. Bring to a boil, then change the water for boiling water, repeating this process 2-3 times. This step will help eliminate substances that can cause gastric discomfort.
Once the beans have been well washed and prepared, add them to the boiling broth from the bacon. At this point, it is time to add the aromatic vegetables. Bring to a boil the finely chopped onion, grated carrot, and bay leaves. Cover the pot and let it simmer on low heat, stirring occasionally, until the beans become tender.
Meanwhile, in a pan, lightly toast the flour, stirring continuously to avoid burning. When the flour takes on a golden hue, remove the pan from the heat and add the paprika. Mix well and add enough oil to bind the ingredients. Return the pan to the heat, bringing the mixture to the desired temperature. Deglaze with the broth and let it simmer until the sauce thickens slightly.
Once the beans are cooked, pour the flour and broth sauce over them. Add the meat from the bacon, cut into smaller pieces, and adjust the taste with salt and pepper. Let the dish simmer for a few moments to combine the flavors.
Finally, remove the pot from the heat and sour the soup with vinegar, to taste. This last step will add a touch of freshness and balance the flavor of the dish. Serve the bean dish with bacon while it is still warm, alongside a piece of fresh bread, to fully enjoy every bite. Bon appétit!
Tags: onion carrots tomatoes broth bean soup flour oil lactose-free recipes