Craft Bread

 Ingredients: -6 1/2 cups flour or 3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour + 3 cups white flour -3 cups warm water -1 1/2 tablespoons granulated yeast -1 teaspoon salt

Choose a larger plastic bowl, ideally with a lid, in which to gather all the sifted flour. It is important that the vessel is large enough, as the dough will rise significantly, doubling in volume. This will ensure an optimal fermentation process and prevent any inconveniences caused by lack of space. In another container, mix the fresh yeast with the salt in warm water. It is important to stir gently without overdoing it, so that the ingredients combine. There is no need to wait for the yeast to dissolve completely; any remaining granules will not affect the final result.

Once you have made the liquid mixture, gradually pour it over the flour in the bowl. Use a wooden spoon to mix, making sure the dough is well combined. The dough should have a soft consistency, similar to a firmer batter, and will not require manual kneading. Cover the bowl with the lid and let it sit at room temperature for about two hours. After this period, move the bowl to the refrigerator. The dough's maturation will take place optimally in the fridge; the longer it sits, the tastier the bread will be. The dough can be kept in the fridge from a few hours up to a maximum of 14 days.

When you feel the need for warm, aromatic bread or have time available, take the dough out of the bowl with well-floured hands and place it on a floured work surface. Quickly shape it into the desired form – whether it is a round loaf, a baguette, or a batard, make sure not to over-knead the dough, as this could cause seams that will crack during baking. Place the shaped dough in a tray lined with parchment paper and let it rest for about 10 minutes at room temperature. It is important not to grease either the tray or the paper, as the bread will not stick to them.

In the meantime, preheat the oven to a high temperature of 230 degrees Celsius. When the dough has rested sufficiently, score it in the desired shape – either a cross or diagonal lines – using the blade of a sharp knife. Place the tray with the dough on the middle rack of the oven, on which you have previously laid down a sheet of aluminum foil. Under the rack, place a tray with water, which will generate steam during baking. This will create a favorable environment for even baking, and the steam will help form a crispy crust and a moist crumb.

Bake the bread for about 45 minutes, or until it is nicely browned, with a pleasant brown color, and when tapped lightly, the crust will sound hollow. Once the bread is baked, remove it from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes, then place it on a rack to cool completely. This step is essential to maintain the perfect texture of the bread, and its aroma will fill the entire room, surely making you want to enjoy it with butter or various delicious toppings.

 Tagsflour bread lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes

Craft Bread
Craft Bread
Craft Bread
