Bogracs in a Cauldron

 Ingredients: 1 kg beef (I used goat meat) 1 kg pork (breast, tail) 6 pieces onion 6 pieces tomatoes 2 hot peppers (everyone adds hot peppers to taste, but it can also be omitted if you don't like it very spicy) 1 kg vegetables (carrots, parsley, celery) 1.5 kg potatoes 2 pieces bell pepper (I didn't add it because I forgot to buy it!) salt, seasoning, paprika, ground cumin and 1 tube of goulash paste 1 tablespoon lard For dumplings: 2 eggs 1 heaping tablespoon lard (or 1 tablespoon butter) flour salt water

First, we portion the beef and pork, ensuring that each piece is of uniform size for even cooking. We carefully peel and finely chop the onion so that it melts into the dish and provides a special flavor. The vegetables, such as carrots, celery, and peppers, are peeled and sliced, preparing them to add flavor to the gulyás. The tomatoes are briefly scalded in boiling water to remove the skin, then diced or sliced, thus preparing the essential ingredient for our sauce. The potatoes are peeled and diced, ensuring they are of similar size for even boiling.

In a cauldron, we put about 6 large tablespoons of lard and wait for it to heat up well. We add the finely chopped onion and peppers, letting them sauté until they become translucent and the aromas are released. Once the onion has softened, we add the beef, generously seasoning with salt, pepper, and Delikat. The diced tomatoes are integrated into the mixture, and everything is stirred well, allowing it to boil for a few moments. It is time to add enough water to cover the meat, then reduce the heat to let everything simmer slowly.

When the meat is half-cooked and the water has reduced, we add the pork. This will bring additional flavor and texture to the dish. We let them sauté together for a few minutes, then add the sliced vegetables. We mix well and let them combine with the meat. Next, we add the gulyás paste, a tablespoon of paprika, and a teaspoon of ground cumin. We mix all the ingredients well and add water until the meat is covered with about two palms of liquid.

We let it continue to boil, adding sliced hot peppers for a touch of spiciness. We taste the dish and adjust the seasonings to preference. When the meat is well cooked, we add the diced potatoes, ensuring to adjust the consistency of the gulyás with water if necessary.

As the potatoes boil, we take care of the dumplings that will complete this delicious dish. In a bowl, we beat two eggs with ½ teaspoon of salt, add 7-8 tablespoons of flour, and mix well. We add a heaped tablespoon of lard and enough water to achieve a homogeneous composition, not too thick, but not too thin either. Using a special dumpling cutter, we add them directly into the cauldron, letting them boil for a few moments until they become fluffy and cooked. The dish is served hot, providing a comforting culinary experience, perfect for cool days.

 Tagseggs onion greenery meat carrots tomatoes potatoes unt pepper flour life pig lactose-free recipes

Bogracs in a Cauldron
Bogracs in a Cauldron
Bogracs in a Cauldron
