Apricot Jam - Ground
Ingredients: 11 kg ripe apricots, 3 kg sugar, 2 tablespoons salicylic acid (preservative powder)
To prepare a delicious apricot jam, the first essential step is to choose the ripest and most aromatic apricots you can find. These fruits will not only add an intense flavor to the jam but also an irresistible fragrance. Start by carefully washing the apricots in cold water to remove any impurities or pesticides. Then, using a sharp knife, remove the pits and get ready to turn them into a fine paste.
For this step, you can use a food processor or a meat grinder to achieve a uniform texture. Once you have ground the apricots, place them in a pot over low heat. It is important to stir constantly to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pot. Let the apricots simmer slowly, being careful not to let them burn, until their volume reduces by about two fingers. This process will concentrate the flavors and turn the mixture into a perfect base for the jam.
After the apricots have boiled sufficiently, add the sugar. The general rule is to use 300 grams of sugar for every kilogram of fruit, so for 3 kg of apricots, you will need 900 grams of sugar. Mix well to ensure the sugar dissolves completely. Continue to boil the jam for about 5 minutes, during which a rich syrup will form.
Then, it is time to add the preservative. You can use 2 tablespoons of salicylic acid or another type of preservative powder, according to the instructions on the package. Make sure to mix well so that the preservative dissolves completely into the mixture. Once all the ingredients are homogeneous, it is time to transfer the jam into the previously prepared jars.
Fill the jars as close to the rim as possible, but leave a small space for expansion. Put the lids on and turn the jars upside down to perfectly seal the jam. This is a traditional technique that helps create a vacuum, thus protecting the jam from bacteria and keeping it fresh for a longer period. Once they have completely cooled, you can place them in your pantry on well-organized shelves.
Now that you have completed this wonderful apricot jam recipe, all that is left is to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Enjoy your meal!
Tags: sugar fruits sweetness gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes fat-free recipes