Homemade Vegeta

 Ingredients: 1 kg carrots, 1/2 kg greens (parsley, celery, parsnip), 1 bunch parsley leaves, 1 bunch celery leaves

HOMEMADE VEGETA: Let me take you out of the sweets, because you are making me too jealous! Since we often use vegeta, I thought I would share how I prepare this product at home, without glutamate, enhancers, stabilizers, and other substances that weigh down the natural ingredients. It's time to return to authentic flavors, where fresh vegetables are the stars.

Over time, I have experimented with different methods of drying vegetables. Even when I didn't have a fruit dryer, I managed to make vegeta in the classic oven, on low heat, leaving the door slightly open. This way, overnight, the vegetables would be ready. Now, however, it is much easier for me, as the drying machine maintains what is most important in vegetables and fruits: vitamins and vibrant color. These aspects are essential, especially when we want to enjoy flavors and nutrients.

This month, when the first Romanian carrots appear, with their rounded roots, I start preparing my reserves. These carrots are much sweeter and more aromatic than the pointed-root ones that will invade the market later. You choose the proportions of the ingredients, but I, from experience, have found the ideal recipe: for 1 kg of carrot, I add ½ kg of root vegetables (a combination of parsley, celery, and parsnip), a bunch of parsley leaves, and one bunch of green celery.

After washing them well, I dry them and grate them. It is important that the root vegetables, especially celery, are immediately sprinkled with lemon juice to prevent oxidation. Don't worry, the acidic taste will not be felt in the final product; in fact, synthetic citric acid from glutamate cannot compete with the freshness of natural lemon. After about 7-8 hours of drying, the vegetables are ready to be crushed in your hands or ground in a spice grinder. I prefer to keep some larger pieces for soups, as I like their crunchy texture.

You can add any other vegetables you want. I usually prepare richer vegeta in the fall when peppers, sweet peppers, and tomatoes are cheaper and tastier. So, if you care about your health and the authentic taste of dishes, don't hesitate to try this recipe! Good luck with your work and cooking!

Homemade Vegeta
Homemade Vegeta
Homemade Vegeta
