Candied Cherries
Ingredients: -1 kg pitted cherries -1 kg sugar -juice from 1 lemon -2-3 cm vanilla pod (to taste)
Carefully wash the cherries, making sure to pit them accurately so as not to lose the fragrant juice of these delicious fruits. It is essential to recover as much juice as possible during this process, as it will contribute to the final flavor of the jam. Place the cherries in an enameled pot, which will be used for boiling the mixture, and alternate layers of cherries with sugar, adding lemon juice to give them a hint of acidity. Gently mix the composition to combine the ingredients, then let it sit for 2-3 hours. This resting time is crucial, as it allows the sugar to extract the juice from the cherries, resulting in a fragrant and sweet mixture.
After the 2-3 hours have passed, put the pot on high heat. You will notice how the mixture begins to boil, and the juice gradually turns into a delicious syrup. Boil until the syrup becomes thick and the cherries float, creating a tempting appearance. Do not forget to skim the foam that forms on the surface to obtain a fine and homogeneous jam. Towards the end of the boiling, add the vanilla pod, which will enrich the jam's aroma, giving it a refined taste. A few minutes before turning off the heat, make sure to skim the foam one last time so that the jam is perfect.
Once the mixture is well thickened, let it cool slightly. At this point, prepare the jars, ensuring they are well washed and sterilized. It is recommended to heat them in the oven to avoid thermal shocks. Fill the jars with the warm jam, being careful not to leave air bubbles inside. Then, seal them well, either by canning or using lids. Place the jars upside down between blankets to allow for even cooling and to ensure sealing. Leave them like this until the next day, and then you can store them in the pantry. Over time, the syrup will reduce, concentrating the flavor of the jam even more. This cherry jam is not only a delight on bread but can also be used in various pastries or desserts, bringing a touch of summer to your table regardless of the season.
Tags: sugar fruits lemon cherries gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes fat-free recipes