Apple and Pear Crumble

 Ingredients: Ingredients: 3 ripe pears, peeled and sliced lengthwise; 3 ripe apples, peeled and diced; 100 g butter at room temperature; 80 g sugar; juice and grated zest of one lemon. For the crust you need: 100 g white wheat flour; 100 g oats; 60 g sugar; 100 g cold butter cut into cubes.

I started this delicious recipe by preparing a fragrant mix of fruits, which will form the base of a special crumbly crust cake. In a pan, I added butter, cut into small cubes, and fresh fruits, which I peeled and cut into appropriate sizes. I opted for a combination of fragrant apples, juicy pears, and some berries for an extra burst of flavor and color. I added sugar, freshly squeezed juice, and grated lemon zest, giving the dish a note of freshness. I let the mixture sauté on low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure that the fruits soften slightly but remain intact, keeping their shape and flavor.

Meanwhile, I began preparing the crumbly crust. In a generous bowl, I combined flour, sugar, and oats, which add a crunchy texture and pleasant aroma. I then cut the cold butter into small cubes and added it over the dry ingredients. Using my fingertips, I began to mix the ingredients, being careful not to fully combine them. The goal was to achieve a crumbly mixture that would form a delicious crust when baked.

Once I finished preparing the crust, I took a baking dish and carefully placed the sautéed fruits at the bottom. I evenly sprinkled the crumbly dough over the fruits, ensuring it covered the entire surface. This step is essential, as the crust will absorb the juices of the fruits during baking, resulting in a perfect combination of flavors.

I preheated the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and placed the dish in the oven, letting it bake for 40-45 minutes. As time passed, the sweet and slightly tart aroma of the fruits blended with the pleasant scent of the browning crust, creating an unforgettable atmosphere throughout the house. After the crust took on a beautiful brown hue, I removed the cake from the oven, letting it cool slightly before serving. This cake is perfect both warm and cold, and can be enjoyed plain or with a spoonful of Greek yogurt or ice cream for a delicious contrast.

 Tagsunt fruits apples pear

Apple and Pear Crumble
