Baked Fish

 Ingredients: -1 kg baby herring, frozen (or sprat or mackerel) -onion, cut into small pieces (6-7 large onions or to taste) -salt -9-degree vinegar, to taste (about 50-75 ml) -pepper, freshly ground, to taste -1-2 bay leaves, torn -6-8 cloves of garlic, cut lengthwise -2 carrots, cut into thin rounds -1 parsley / parsnip root, cut into rounds -½ tablespoon black peppercorns -5-6 allspice berries -tomato paste / thicker tomato juice -oil

To prepare this delicious baked fish recipe, the first step is to ensure that the fish is properly thawed. You can do this by either letting it sit in the refrigerator for a few hours or at room temperature, but avoid prolonged exposure to prevent bacterial growth. Once the fish is completely thawed, the next step is to clean it carefully. Start by removing the scales using a special fish cleaning knife or a simple kitchen knife. Then, cut off the fins and head, open the belly, and remove the intestines, being careful not to damage the flesh.

After cleaning the fish, wash it well under cold water, making sure to remove any traces of blood or impurities. Let the fish drain on a clean towel or a sieve. While the fish is draining, prepare the onion mixture. Peel a few onions and chop them finely, then rub them with salt, vinegar, and ground pepper. Add the bay leaves and mix well, allowing the flavors to combine.

Choose a baking dish and start layering the ingredients. Put a generous layer of the onion mixture at the bottom of the dish, followed by a few finely chopped garlic cloves. Then, add a layer of fish, preferably cut into equal-sized pieces to ensure even cooking. After the fish, place a layer of vegetables, such as carrots or peppers, followed again by a layer of onion. Sprinkle peppercorns and allspice between the layers for added flavor.

Repeat this process until you have used all the ingredients, ensuring that the last layer is onion. Cover this last layer with tomato broth, making sure the liquid reaches the bottom of the dish. Drizzle a little olive oil on top, enough to create a thin film that will help cook the dish evenly. Preheat the oven to 150-160 degrees Celsius and place the dish in without stirring the mixture. Leave everything in the oven for 2-2.5 hours or until the fish and vegetables are cooked and the sauce has reduced.

In the end, you can serve this dish both warm and cold, trusting that the bones will 'melt' due to the vinegar and the long cooking time. If you wish, you can store this delicious food in the refrigerator, in well-sealed jars, for up to four weeks, so you can enjoy it anytime you want. Bon appétit!

 Tagsonion greenness garlic carrots tomatoes broth oil lactose-free recipes

Baked Fish
Baked Fish
Baked Fish
