Snert / Erwtensoep - Dutch Split Pea Soup
Ingredients: 200g dried peas, 100g celery root, 2 carrots, 1/2 onion (I used red onion), 2 potatoes, 250g smoked bacon (pancetta), salt optional * parsley root or in its absence, parsley stalks without leaves as I used.
To create a delicious and comforting soup, start by bringing enough water to a boil in a large pot to completely cover the smoked pork. Bring the water to a boiling point and let it boil for about five minutes from the moment it starts to bubble. This step is essential as it helps remove excess salt and impurities from the meat. After the time is up, discard the water, wash the meat well under a stream of cold water, and prepare for the next steps.
While the meat cools, carefully clean the vegetables. Take the onion, carrots, potatoes, celery, and, if you have it, parsley root. If using fresh parsley, chop it finely. Cut the vegetables into appropriately sized cubes so they cook evenly and add texture to the soup. For example, the carrots can be cut into larger cubes to provide a crunchy note, while the potatoes can be cut smaller to soften more quickly.
Once the vegetables are prepared, add the washed peas and the cut pork into the pot. Cover the ingredients with fresh water, ensuring you do not exceed the optimal level, especially if using a pressure cooker. Usually, it is not necessary to add salt, as the smoked meat will contribute plenty to the soup's flavors. Let everything boil according to the instructions on the dry pea bag; typically, this takes about 35 minutes traditionally or just 10 minutes in the pressure cooker.
If you choose the pressure cooker option, be careful with the amount of liquid added, as the soup should not be too watery. According to some Dutch recipes, in the end, the spoon should stand upright in the soup, indicating an ideal consistency. Once all the vegetables, meat, and peas are cooked, remove the meat from the pot and cut it into cubes, then add it back into the soup. Finally, don't forget to taste the soup and adjust the salt to your liking. Share the joy of this soup with loved ones, enjoying the deep and comforting flavors that fresh ingredients and smoked meat provide.
Tags: onion greenery carrots tomatoes potatoes soup pea gluten-free recipes