Gazpacho (III)

 Ingredients: 1 kg tomatoes, 2-3 bell peppers or capia, 2 pieces onion, 1 cucumber, 2-3 cloves garlic, 4-5 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, salt, ground white pepper, 1-2 basil leaves, dried parsley, crushed ice cubes, bread croutons

To prepare a delicious cold tomato soup, it is essential to choose the most suitable ingredients. We start with tomatoes, which should be meaty and well-ripened. They are carefully peeled, either by the classic method of dipping in hot water or by using a sharp knife to remove the skin. After obtaining peeled tomatoes, we cut them into large pieces and ensure that we remove all the seeds to achieve a fine and pleasant texture for the soup.

The next step involves cleaning the cucumbers, garlic, and onion. The cucumbers are diced into small cubes, while the garlic and onion are finely chopped to become an integral part of the flavors. Peppers, ideally red or yellow for an extra splash of color, are cored and diced. These vegetables, along with the tomatoes, will give the soup a vibrant and fresh taste.

For the dressing, we will use vinegar. It is important to ensure that it is not too sour; if it is, we dilute it with a little water to make it milder. Now, we turn our attention to croutons. We take a piece of bread, preferably a baguette or rustic bread, which we cut into sticks or cubes. These are drizzled with olive oil and lightly browned in the oven until they become crispy and golden.

Once all the ingredients are prepared, we place them in a tall container and blend them with a blender, obtaining a smooth paste. We add the diluted vinegar, olive oil, and finely chopped basil leaves. We continue to blend the mixture for another minute, so the flavors blend perfectly. The tasty soup is seasoned with salt and ground pepper to taste, giving it that final touch of flavor.

For serving, the soup is poured into bowls, mugs, or tall glasses, adding an elegant touch to the table. As a garnish, we can create decorations from thin strips of cucumber and diced peppers, which not only add a contrast of textures but also a note of visual freshness. This cold tomato soup is perfect for hot summer days and will surely impress guests, offering an explosion of natural and healthy flavors.

 Tagsonion greenery garlic tomatoes pepper oil olives fruits apples cucumbers vegetarian recipes recipes for diabetics recipes for hepatitis recipes for hypertensives fat-free recipes

Gazpacho (III)
Gazpacho (III)
Gazpacho (III)
