Braised Cabbage with Smoked Sausages and Polenta

 Ingredients: 1 kg chopped pickled cabbage, 1 piece of smoked homemade sausage cut into portions, 300 g sliced smoked bacon scored, 1 finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, 1/4 teaspoon thyme and goulash paste (if you don't have it, use 1 teaspoon sweet paprika), 50 ml tomato paste, 200 ml water, cornmeal.

To prepare this delicious recipe for sautéed cabbage with bacon and sausages, it is essential to pay attention to every step of the process, so that you achieve a savory dish that will delight the tastes of everyone who will savor it.

We start by preparing the cabbage. We wash it well under a stream of cold water, removing any impurities. After cleaning the cabbage, we carefully squeeze it to remove the excess water and set it aside. This step is important because the cabbage will absorb the flavors better when it is well drained.

Next, we take care of the bacon. We slice it thinly and make slight cuts to allow the fat to render during frying. In a deep skillet or a large pot, we place the bacon to fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until it becomes crispy and leaves a generous amount of fat. We take it out onto a paper towel to absorb the excess fat and set it aside.

In the remaining fat, we add the finely chopped onion. We sauté it patiently, stirring, until it becomes golden and fragrant, which will add a special flavor to our dish. Once the onion is well sautéed, we add 50 ml of tomato puree and 200 ml of water. We mix well to combine the ingredients, and then we add the drained cabbage.

We season with salt, pepper, 1/4 teaspoon of thyme, and for an extra flavor, a tablespoon of Gulyas paste or a teaspoon of sweet paprika. We let everything simmer on low heat, making sure to stir occasionally, until the water completely evaporates and the cabbage becomes soft and well infused with the flavors from the pot.

Meanwhile, we turn our attention to preparing a thick polenta. We boil water with salt, and when it comes to a boil, we gradually add the cornmeal, stirring continuously to avoid lumps. The polenta will be ready when it pulls away from the sides of the pot and has a creamy consistency.

In another skillet, we fry the sausages cut into portions until they become browned and crispy. They will perfectly complement our dish, bringing an unmistakable texture and flavor.

Finally, we prepare our plates. We carefully place a generous portion of sautéed cabbage, topped with the fried sausages and crispy bacon, offering a pleasant contrast of flavors. On the side, we place a portion of hot polenta, which will perfectly accompany this traditional dish.

Enjoy your meal and savor every bite!

 Tagsonion cabbage broth flour cream sausage christmas and new year's recipes gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes

Braised Cabbage with Smoked Sausages and Polenta
Braised Cabbage with Smoked Sausages and Polenta
Braised Cabbage with Smoked Sausages and Polenta
