Marinated Grapes - Pickled in Sweet - Sour Sauce
Ingredients: -grapes -1 cup white wine vinegar -1/2 cup water -1.5 cups sugar -for each 720 ml jar, add: * 2 cm cinnamon stick * 1 clove * 1 bay leaf
To prepare this delicious recipe for preserved grapes, start by washing the grapes thoroughly. It is important to drain them and carefully detach the berries from the bunches to avoid damaging them. Once you have the clean and prepared berries, prepare the jars. Make sure they are perfectly sterilized, either by washing them well with hot water or by placing them in the oven to disinfect them.
At the bottom of each jar, place a piece of cinnamon, a bay leaf, and a clove. These spices will add a special taste and aroma to the preparation. Carefully fill the jars with the grape berries, being careful not to crush them. After filling the jars, it's time to determine the amount of liquid needed to preserve them. Pour water over the berries in the jars and, using a measuring cup, measure the liquid. For example, if you have obtained 300 ml of water, you need 200 ml of vinegar and 100 ml of water, then complete with sugar until reaching the 300 ml mark.
After you have established the correct quantities, bring a pot of water, vinegar, and sugar to a boil. Let it simmer on low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally to completely dissolve the sugar. It is essential to let this mixture boil to achieve a uniform and flavorful solution. When the mixture is ready, pour it hot over the grape berries in the jars, making sure they are completely covered with liquid.
After filling the jars, seal them tightly immediately to prevent air from entering. Then, place the jars upside down in a warm place where the dry steam can be maintained until they cool completely. This method will help create a perfect seal, essential for preserving the preparation. Once the jars have cooled, return them to the normal position and store them in a cool place for at least 10 days. This waiting time will allow the flavors to combine and develop, providing a special culinary experience when you decide to enjoy these delights.