Ingredients: 3 cups (1 cup = 1 l) of coarse cornmeal, 3 hands of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt
To prepare the delicious balmoș, we start by preparing the jintuială, an essential ingredient in this recipe. We put the jintuială in a jar, where we will let it sour for at least two days. This souring process gives the balmoș a distinctive taste that will make it truly special. Once the souring period is over, it’s time to start cooking.
We place the jintuială in a taller pot to avoid splattering and ensure it is at the correct temperature. We bring it to a boil, and this step will take about 45 minutes. It is important to stir more frequently in the pot after the jintuială starts boiling, as there is a risk of it sticking to the bottom of the pot. Patience is key, so we will closely monitor the boiling process.
After 45 minutes, we add three handfuls of cornmeal, an ingredient that will give the balmoș consistency and texture. Now, we let the mixture simmer on low heat for 15 minutes without stirring. It is essential not to intervene at this stage, as the flour needs to absorb the liquid and combine evenly, forming a homogeneous mass.
Once the time has passed, we take the pot off the heat. Using a rolling pin, we will thoroughly mix the flour, ensuring there are no lumps left. This is an important step, as a fine texture is key to a successful balmoș. Once we have obtained a uniform mass, we put the pot back on the heat, but this time only until it starts boiling again. We will notice how the contents spout like a small volcano, which requires extra attention to avoid splattering.
When the balmoș has started boiling again, it’s time to turn it onto a flat plate or into a wider bowl. This presentation will allow it to cool evenly and maintain its shape. The resulting balmoș is extremely versatile and can be consumed in multiple ways. We can serve it with clotted milk, sour milk, yogurt, or for a unique culinary experience, alongside a green salad soup, which will add a note of freshness.
This traditional recipe is not just a simple dish, but a true culinary experience that brings together the flavors and textures of the past. So, get ready to savor an authentic balmoș that will delight your taste buds. Enjoy your meal!
Tags: flour gluten-free recipes vegetarian recipes recipes for children recipes for hepatitis recipes for hypertensives