Pasta (Linguine) with Sardines (in Oil)

 Ingredients: For 2 servings: 200 g linguine, 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric, salt, 1 can of sardines in oil, 1 small onion, 2 tablespoons heaped with raisins, 2 tablespoons of pine nuts, fresh dill or fennel leaves.

A large pot of water is brought to a boil for the pasta. When the water starts to boil, salt is added, which will enhance the flavor of the pasta, and a pinch of turmeric or, for a more sophisticated touch, a sprinkle of saffron, which will add a golden hue and a subtle aroma. Stir well to dissolve the ingredients, and then pour the pasta into the water. It is important to respect the cooking time indicated on the package so that the pasta is al dente, meaning it has a firm texture when bitten.

While the pasta is boiling, it is the ideal time to focus on the sauce. An onion is peeled, washed, and finely chopped, which will add a sweet and aromatic flavor to the dish. In a frying pan, the oil from the fish can is poured, ensuring that only the oil is used, and if such oil is not available or a more classic version is desired, salted sardines can be used, which must first be desalted. Add 1-2 tablespoons of oil to create a delicious base for the sauce.

The chopped onion is added to the pan, where it will be lightly cooked without frying. If desired, a tablespoon of water from the pasta cooking can be added, and the pan will be covered with a lid to maintain moisture. When the onion becomes soft and translucent, the pine nuts, sweet raisins, and sardines are added, mixing the ingredients well to combine the flavors.

When the pasta is ready, it is drained well, and then carefully poured into the pan with the sauce. Everything is mixed gently to avoid breaking the pasta. Finally, fresh dill or wild fennel is added, or simply larger chopped fennel leaves, which were previously soaked in the same water in which the pasta was boiled. These herbs will bring an extra freshness and flavor to the dish. If you do not have enough dill or fennel, do not worry; you can add chopped dried dill so that the aroma is not lost. This recipe is not only delicious but also full of colors and flavors that will transport you directly to the sunny shores of Sicily. Enjoy every bite!

 Tagsonion oil lactose-free recipes fructose-free recipes

Pasta (Linguine) with Sardines (in Oil)
