Egg pancakes
Ingredients: Flour, egg.
This quick noodle recipe is perfect for those times when you want to prepare a delicious dish but don't have much time available. The noodles produced will have the same taste and appearance as traditional ones, but the preparation process is greatly simplified. The main innovation lies in using a reduced amount of flour, which allows for a dough consistency similar to that of sour cream.
To prepare the dough, you will need wheat flour, water, and a pinch of salt. In a bowl, mix the flour with the salt, gradually adding water until you achieve a homogeneous composition that is fluid yet dense enough to pour. Once the dough is ready, transfer it to a thick plastic bag. Make sure the bag is well sealed by squeezing it at one corner and tying it tightly to avoid leaks.
After preparing the dough, bring a pot of water or broth to a boil. It is essential that the liquid is boiling since the noodles will cook quickly at this stage. Using scissors, cut a corner of about 1 mm from the plastic bag. This technique will allow you to control the thickness of the noodles: the smaller the hole you cut, the thinner the noodles will be. If you want even finer noodles, you can use a thick needle to poke the tip of the bag, creating a smaller opening.
Carefully pour the dough into the boiling liquid, being careful not to burn yourself. Cover the pot with a lid and let the noodles boil for 3-4 minutes. You will notice how they puff up and become fluffy, ready to be enjoyed. After the boiling time, remove the pot from the heat and, if desired, you can add spices or vegetables to enrich the dish.
Serve the noodles warm, alongside your favorite sauce or in soup, and prepare to indulge in a quick yet extremely tasty meal. Enjoy your meal!