Pickled Plums and Grapes
Ingredients: 2 kg of autumn plums with firmer flesh (brumarii) 1 kg of large Hamburg grapes (white and black) 300 g of sugar 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon 300 ml of vinegar 4-5 whole cloves 10-15 peppercorns 1 l of water 1 teaspoon of salicylic acid or preservative powder
We carefully wash the plums, making sure to remove any impurities or pesticide residues, as they are delicate fruits that retain their natural flavor better when clean. We detach the grapes from the bunch, being careful to select only healthy and ripe grapes. After we finish washing both the plums and grapes, we let the fruits drain to remove excess water, an essential step to ensure proper preservation.
We carefully place the plums and grapes in jars, making sure to organize them evenly to benefit from a well-distributed syrup. In a large pot, we bring one liter of water to a boil, to which we add 300 ml of vinegar, which will add a pleasant note of acidity, balancing the sweetness of the fruits. After bringing the water and vinegar to a boil, we add 300 g of sugar, stirring constantly to ensure it dissolves completely.
To intensify the flavors of the syrup, we add a few cloves, a pinch of cinnamon, which will provide a warm and comforting note, and a few peppercorns, which will add a surprising and spicy taste. We let this mixture boil for 2-3 minutes, so the flavors combine harmoniously. Finally, we add a teaspoon of salicylic acid, a natural preservative that will help keep the fruits fresh for a long time.
With great care, we pour the hot syrup over the arranged fruits in jars, ensuring that each piece of plums and grapes is well covered. We immediately close the jars with lids to avoid air infiltration that could compromise preservation. We place the jars in a dry steam, covering them with blankets or towels to keep them warm until the next day.
After the jars have completely cooled, we can transfer them to our pantry, where they will patiently wait for the long winter days, providing us with a delicious snack. These preserved fruits pair perfectly with various meats, whether cold or hot, bringing a touch of sweetness and flavor to every meal. In this way, we can enjoy the taste of summer even on the coldest days of the year.
Tags: sugar plum pickles gluten-free recipes lactose-free recipes vegetarian recipes fat-free recipes