Cabbage a la Cluj (III)
Ingredients: 1/2 sweet cabbage, 500 g minced pork, 4 tablespoons oil, sweet paprika, 1/2 small onion, 80 g rice, sour cream, salt, pepper
I chose to prepare a delicious dish inspired by the recipe from the book "Romanian Dishes, Wines, and Customs" by Radu Anton Roman, but with a few adjustments to fit our cooking style. First of all, I try to avoid frying whenever possible, opting for healthier methods such as steaming or baking. Also, considering that the cabbage available here is not as tender as that in Romania, I will adapt the recipe accordingly to achieve a tasty and hearty dish.
To start, I will chop the onion finely. I will sauté it in a little olive oil, adding a pinch of salt to bring out its flavor. Once the onion becomes translucent and starts to brown slightly, I will add the diced meat. It is important that it is well cooked, so I will leave it on medium heat, stirring periodically.
In the meantime, I will prepare the cabbage. I will chop it and boil it in salted water. If you wish, you can also add a little lemon juice, which will provide a touch of acidity and complement the sweetness of the cabbage. I will boil it until it becomes slightly transparent, but without making it too soft, so it retains its texture.
After the meat is cooked, I will mix it with a spoonful of sweet paprika and sour cream. This mixture will give the dish creaminess and a delicious flavor. I will adjust the taste with salt and freshly ground pepper to achieve a perfect balance between the ingredients.
Next, I will prepare the rice. I will boil it only halfway in slightly salted water, being careful not to make it too soft, as it will continue to cook in the oven.
For assembly, I will grease a ceramic dish with oil, then I will start layering: the first layer will be cabbage, followed by a layer of meat and then a layer of rice. Between layers, I will also add a few tablespoons of sour cream to provide a richer taste. The last layer will be cabbage, and on top, I will add sour cream again.
I will cover the dish with aluminum foil and place it in the preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius, letting it bake for about an hour or until all the flavors have melded and the dish has a golden crust.
In the end, I will serve this delight warm, alongside a spoonful of sour cream, which will perfectly complement the taste of the dish. It is a comforting meal, ideal for cool days, bringing a touch of Romanian traditions in every bite.
Tags: meat cabbage rice oil sour cream pig christmas and new year's recipes