Neapolitan Sauce, Preserved for Winter

 Ingredients: -2 kg tomatoes -1/2 kg red bell peppers -1/2 kg red or yellow (orange) bell peppers -300 g onion -200 ml oil -2 tablespoons sugar -3 bay leaves -2 teaspoons coarse salt -4 g peppercorns (1 small packet)

To prepare a delicious vegetable sauce, start by carefully washing the tomatoes, ensuring they are fresh and of high quality. Once washed, drain them well and pass them through a meat grinder with a special device for separating seeds and skins. This step is essential for obtaining a fine sauce without impurities. Continue with the bell peppers, which you will wash, remove the seeds and stem, then chop them finely using the same meat grinder. This combination of vegetables will give the sauce a pleasant texture and a rich taste.

The peppers, in turn, should be washed and drained well. Once prepared, roast them on a griddle or grill, then peel off the skin to achieve an intense aroma and smoky flavor. In a wide, shallow pot, add the oil and lightly sauté the chopped onion. This will add a flavorful base to your sauce. When the onion becomes golden and starts to turn translucent, add the chopped bell peppers and roasted peppers. Let them simmer well, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula to prevent sticking, until the oil starts to surface, indicating that the vegetables are ready for the next step.

After the vegetables have simmered, add the hot tomato juice, bay leaves, and let everything simmer on low heat. Stir occasionally, being careful not to let it stick to the bottom of the pot. Continue to simmer the sauce until the liquid reduces significantly and the flavors concentrate. Before finishing, don’t forget to season with salt and add a few peppercorns, which will give a slightly spicy taste to the sauce.

Once the sauce is ready, pour it hot into sterilized and warmed jars, ensuring no air bubbles remain. Cover the jars with the appropriate lids and let them sit in a warm place, such as between blankets, until the sauce cools completely. This process will ensure better preservation. Once cooled, store the jars in the pantry, where they will be ready to be used in various culinary dishes, providing an authentic and rich taste. This recipe is not only delicious but also full of nutrients, perfect for adding flavor to your meals.

 Tagsonion tomatoes pepper oil sugar

Neapolitan Sauce, Preserved for Winter
Neapolitan Sauce, Preserved for Winter
Neapolitan Sauce, Preserved for Winter
