Zander Fillet with Goat Cheese

 Ingredients: White fish fillets Goat cheese Young zucchini Tomatoes Red onion or shallot Fresh tarragon Sesame oil (nut) Tarragon vinegar Balsamic vinegar A handful of flour Salt Lemon (optional)

Since Elena's pike - not to mention that pack of pikes from Pupi - I've been looking for pikes. Because none of those encountered on the way turned my gaze (clear and bulging), I concluded that the respective pikes had long been waiting for a foolish buyer. But a pike from Her Majesty looked me straight in the eye, so I brought it home to get to know each other better before completing the bloody affair; yes, I filleted it and cooked it! Here’s how simple it is: I sprinkled the pike fillets with a bit of tarragon vinegar (a weak white vinegar in which tarragon leaves are steeped) and let it sit for 10 minutes. During that time, I prepared a tomato salsa.

This salsa is better if it spends a night in the fridge before being consumed, so think about making it a day ahead. Cut the heart-shaped tomatoes into the smallest cubes possible (they have no seeds and a lot of juice, so you don’t have to do that boring operation of removing the seeds and saving the pulp). Chop a shallot even finer, put all this in a bowl and drizzle with olive oil and vinegar (the book says tarragon vinegar - I used balsamic vinegar, considering it redundant to have both the fish and the salsa flavored with tarragon). By the next day, the salsa will rest in the fridge - when you take it out, adjust the salt.

We wrap the fish around a piece of goat cheese, coat it in flour, and fry it on all sides in sesame oil (I used walnut oil - I thought it was more suitable with the tarragon flavor). The heat should be medium so that the fish cooks through, but the cheese doesn’t melt and run out into the pan (I managed to avoid the mess). We take the fish out and, while they drain on a napkin, we quickly sauté strips of young zucchini in the same oil.

Finally, on a bed of frayed zucchini, we place the fish rolls, add a dollop of salsa, and put a little tuft of tarragon wherever we want. This recipe is not only a delight for the taste buds but also a visual pleasure, bringing shades of green and red to the table, freshness, and aroma. Once you have enjoyed this dish, you will understand why the search for pike was in vain, and the pike was, in fact, the perfect choice for a memorable dinner.

 Tagsonion tomatoes flour oil over zucchini cheese lemon nut recipes for children recipes for diabetics recipes for hepatitis recipes for hypertensives fat-free recipes

Zander Fillet with Goat Cheese
Zander Fillet with Goat Cheese
Zander Fillet with Goat Cheese
