Brigid Cake

 Ingredients: Base: 400 g cookies, 1 pack of margarine, 8 egg yolks, 125 g sugar, 1 cup of walnuts (slightly crushed) Cream: 8 egg whites, 300 g sugar, instant coffee for decoration

Base: We start by crushing the biscuits, ensuring that we obtain a fine texture, but not completely powdery. They can be plain or cocoa biscuits, depending on your preferences. After crushing them, we transfer them to a large bowl. We add the melted butter, vanilla essence, and a pinch of salt, which will enhance the flavors. Using our hands, we carefully mix all the ingredients until the mixture becomes homogeneous and binds well. We grease a baking tray with a little oil, ensuring it is evenly distributed. We pour the biscuit mixture into the tray, leveling it with a spatula to ensure an even surface. We place the tray in the preheated oven on low heat and let it bake for about 20 minutes. It is important to monitor the baking process to ensure that the base does not dry out.

Cream: After the base has cooled, we turn our attention to the delicious cream. In another bowl, we beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt using an electric mixer until we achieve a firm foam. During the beating, we gradually add 100 g of sugar, continuing to mix until the egg whites become glossy and stiff. Separately, in a saucepan, we put the remaining sugar (200 g) and melt it over low heat. It is important not to leave it unattended, as it can burn quickly. Once the sugar has taken on a brown color, we carefully pour it over the beaten egg whites, stirring continuously. This will create a silky and firm mixture. We pour the obtained cream over the biscuit base in the tray, ensuring it is evenly distributed. We continue to bake on low heat for about 15 minutes. It is essential not to increase the oven temperature, as the cream may crack. After the baking time has elapsed, we take the tray out of the oven and, for a perfect finish, sprinkle a thin layer of instant coffee on top, which will add an intense coffee flavor. We let the dessert cool completely before cutting and serving it, allowing the flavors to blend in a delicious way. Enjoy this delight with friends and family!

 Tagssugar margarine nut cookies

Brigid Cake
Brigid Cake
Brigid Cake
