Natural Red Currant Syrup
Ingredients: For approximately 7 liters of syrup: -3 kg red currants -6 kg sugar -3 liters of water -1 heaping tablespoon of citric acid - ½ tablespoon of salicylic acid or preservative
To prepare a delicious red currant syrup, it is essential to follow a few important steps so that the final result is particularly aromatic and full of nutrients. Start by washing the red currants very well, ensuring that you remove all impurities and stems. This process requires several washes in cold water, and once you are done, leave them to drain in a colander to eliminate the excess water.
After the currants have drained well, place them in a larger container with a capacity of at least 10 liters. Add boiled and then cooled water, lemon salt, and salicylic acid, which you have previously dissolved in a little cold water. Use a spatula or wooden spoon to homogenize the mixture, gently crushing the fruits. This step is essential for releasing the juice from the currants. Cover the container and let the mixture sit for 24 hours, so the flavors can combine and intensify.
The next day, after the waiting period has passed, add the sugar to the mixture. It is important to mix well and let the mixture sit again for another 24 hours. At this stage, it is recommended to stir from time to time to ensure that the sugar dissolves completely, thus obtaining a uniform and sweet syrup.
On the third day, it is time to separate the fruits from the syrup. Use double cheesecloth to strain the mixture, being careful to obtain a clear syrup. The resulting syrup will be poured into sterilized bottles, which you will cap later. Make sure to label them with the date and type, so you can identify them more easily in the future. This natural syrup retains all the nutrients from the fruits and can be stored in optimal conditions for 2-3 years without losing its quality.
After you have strained the syrup, the remaining fruits should not be thrown away. Place them in sterilized jars and pour the remaining syrup over them, ensuring that the fruits are completely covered. After sealing the jars with lids, don't forget to label them as well. Then place them in the pantry, where they can be enjoyed throughout the year. This recipe not only provides a delicious syrup but also a way to preserve the taste of summer all year round.